Thursday, February 21, 2008

Importance of a domain name!

What is in a domain name? A winning domain name can put you miles ahead of your competition. After all, that’s the purpose of your website, right? Unfortunately most business owners and webmasters don’t realize choosing the right domain name can be crucial to the websites success.

Good domain names have several things in common. They are descriptive of the websites content; they are easy to remember and easy to spell. Being descriptive of the websites content is the most important because this is how you will attract existing traffic to your website. If your website or business is in the shoe business, shoe better be in your domain name if you want to succeed.

Your domain name is your location on the internet. It’s your piece of virtual real estate that you can develop however you see fit. Your domain name separates you from the 120 million or so websites on the internet today. Choosing a winning domain name is the equivalent to choosing a good location for an off line business.

This domain presents the opportunity to start the next MySpace, or YouTube. Celebify simply means nurture a celebrity. This domain can easily rock the internet by providing a social networking portal that can make talented young people celebrities. So get grab this domain and start celebifying young people.

Online sales is a big business on the internet, contributing billions of dollars to global trade. A good domain that will send a clear signal of intentions. Fluent. It can be used for selling online carious products and services. You can sell virtually anything with Fluent Sales .COM, as long as you are fluent, that is the only pre-requisite! This domain is on sale. Click on the link up to grab the opportunity.

This domain can be used along the model of, but focusing on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). It also provides business opportunities for online sells. ICT Buy comes laden with endless opportunities. It is available for purchase.

In its most general sense, a panorama is any wide view of a space. It has also come to refer to a wide-angle representation of such a view — whether in painting, drawing, photography, film/video, or a three-dimensional model. In investment, a panorama would represent a broad informed view of available options. This domain is excellent for those who want to give informed advices or a full package of investment products and services.

Accounting Icon or Finance Icon
An ICON is an image or symbolic representation often with sacred significance. Put that to Finance and Accounts, it would mean a solution center of the highest esteem where even competitors in the same field look up to. Like an idol or celebrity. A great brand name for those who what their business to be ICONs in accounting.

Accounting Beacon
Solutions from a shining beacon in Finance and Accounts. This can be used a brand name in the accounting circles. Traditionally, Beacons were fires lit on hills or high places, used as lighthouses for navigation at sea. Beacons were used to give direction since they shine from a distance. An Accounting Beacon would be a shining solution center that is visible from far away, giving accurate direction and guidance.

Blogging is still hot on the internet. The only factor separating millions of blogs out there is how hot your blog is. The domain name comes into play. Obvious, content plays a bigger part. This domain can even be used for hosting blogs. It is quite suitable. Open this link and grab this domain.

Another blockbuster domain for those into computer programming. This domain can be used for so many purposes in computers. It can be used as a programming resource portal, or for a community of programmers who fight it out for the best accolade, thereby making them more visible to employers. Grab this domain and make a great start.

Who is the LOYAL PRESIDENT? That is the question! 2008 is turning out to be a very busy and exciting year on the political front. Several elections are lined up across the globe, with the US being the highlight. Some have already been conducted, like in Kenya were an idiot called Kibaki selflessly watches as people massacre each other. Besides the elections, we are witnessing the action packed drama in Kosovo unfolding. All the time, asking, WHO IS THE LOYAL PRESIDENT? And what do you, the reader thing? Do we have a loyal president in the world? Certainly not Bush! Americans are ruing the day they mad a mistake of getting that man into office. LoyalPresident.COM is available for sale! Grab it and rock 2008!

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) presents limitless opportunities, so do this domain. Grab it and start/grow you own business.

1 comment:

moonburst said...

I have submitted your URL to Google, Digg, Stumble and all the other bookmarking sites and search engines. I will get your site banned from stealing content from my site. You blatantly stole my two articles that are on your blog and did not even give me the credit for it. I am in the course of filing legal action against you. You are hereby ordered to cease and desist all actions. My content will be removed from your site within 24 hours or else. Stealing content on the net is disgusting.